Smarten your Snowflake

Run your Snowflake infrastructure more smoothly. Improve the efficiency of your data cloud footprint to save money. Gain visibility into all of your accounts in one place, and manage your settings across your accounts together to save time.

Use your credits more efficiently

Optimize data warehouse utilization with smart load balancing, reducing the need to have multiple dedicated warehouses running at the same time. Get insights about your storage patterns, which can help ensure your credits are being spent where it matters.

Unsilo your usage data

Track and manage your Snowflake spend across all of your accounts with automatic object tagging and cost allocation reporting. With detailed cost insights, you can stay on top of your Snowflake usage and make more informed decisions about how to manage expenditure.

Centralize your settings

Consolidate the management of all of your Snowflake accounts. Group and configure your accounts together, saving time and ensuring consistency across your Snowflake environment. Define parameters, privileges, network policies, resources, tags, and more. Apply them hierarchically with enterprise-wide, account group, and account propagation, with the ability to specify overrides at any level.

Help your users play nicely together

Define and enforce boundaries for users and groups within Snowflake, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring data security. By creating different types of namespaces and associated privileges, users can operate within their namespace boundary without interfering with others, allowing for more efficient and secure data management.